Running a business involves making a lot of choices. It can be overwhelming. Sometimes you need a partner who listens to your challenges and seeks understanding. Someone who can diagnose pain points, think up practical solutions, and see growth opportunities. Sometimes you need an accountability partner to ask you tough questions — Does my business model work and if not, how can we fix it?
I want to be that person for you. Read on to learn how I can help.
Are you using data to help you grow? Let’s assess your business model with P&L and quarterly statements, perform a SWOT analysis, and use customer KPI tools to gauge your performance. This data will assist us in generating new revenue ideas, identify untapped partners, and give us the seeds to create both short and long-term strategies and objectives.
Additionally, we'll define and refine your market niche, and seek to establish your market dominance with a clear differentiation strategy.
Operational Model Review + Efficiency Evaluation
Unique Value Proposition Analysis + Enhancement
Staffing Review + Skills Assessment
Identification of High-Probability Growth Opportunities
How do you show up in the world? Let’s take an honest look at your communication and marketing methods, your style guide, and assess your community and online reputation. Once we have a clear idea of who is looking at your business and why, we can find your ideal customers. We’ll analyze feedback and behavioral data, develop marketing and communication strategies, including campaign outlines and content strategy maps, and if you need them, find the people who can help you execute those plans. This might include engaging social media influencers to improve your market presence, or identifying and signing up for in-person engagement opportunities in local communities.
We can also evaluate your internal communications setting up a way to listen to what your employees, business partners, and investors think of your business. This helps you understand what others expectations are and get ahead of potential issues before they become a problem.
Reputation + Market Influence Analysis
Strategic Storytelling Campaign Development
Evaluation of External and Internal Communication Channels + Content Quality
Artificial intelligence consulting
Looking to incorporate A.I. into your business but unsure of where to start? You're not alone. I keep up-to-date with the latest tools and can guide you on which ones might solve specific problems.
Let's explore how A.I. can optimize or replace your current operations and processes, and determine which A.I. tools might need to be developed in your unique industry. If used correctly A.I. will save you time and money, and allow you to redeploy and reallocate your most valuable resource—your people.
A.I. Integration Assessment
Company Data Aggregation + Data Quality Analytics
A.I. Research + Development Requirements for Industry Application
Click here to set up your FREE 15-minute consultation.
I am happy to briefly chat and learn about your situation. This will also give you a chance to see if we might work well together. If you think we are a good fit, please consider the following questions:
What are your outcome expectations?
How long would you like to work together?
Which consultation option best fits your situation?